The People’s Blockade
The 2024 People’s Blockade saw 10 incredible days of collective action, courage and solidarity in Muloobinba/Newcastle and on Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country in Canberra. Together, we made history – this was the biggest act of civil disobedience for climate in Australia’s history (smashing our own record we set last year)!
Even though the NSW Government did everything they could to stop us – first by denying police authorisation for the Blockade, and then by declaring Newcastle Harbour to be an “exclusion zone” – people power prevailed. Just minutes before the planned flotilla launch, we won our Supreme Court challenge to overturn the exclusion zone, and the Blockade was on!
Over 7,000 people attended the Blockade over the eight days in Newcastle, enjoying a “protestival” of live music, community building, and direct action. On the Sunday, 170 people were arrested for blocking the shipping channel of the world’s largest coal port. And the best part: we stopped a coal ship! This was the 13th flotilla blockade of the Newcastle coal port, but the first time people power forced a coal ship to turn around!
The Canberra Wave brought the energy of the People’s Blockade to the political arena at Parliament House in Canberra, with hundreds of people taking powerful, disruptive action to stop coal and gas. 22 people were arrested on the road in front of Parliament, while another 60 occupied the Parliament foyer. It was an honour to camp at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, learning from so many strong First Nations activists leading the way in their fights for justice.
Best of all, we co-created this event together. The People's Blockade was 100% volunteer run. Over 1000 volunteers gave their time to build and run the blockade, including cooking 20,000 meals! And we practised real direct democracy, with key decisions made by a spokescouncil representing over 2000 people.
Learn more about these extraordinary events by checking out the media highlights below.
News article highlights