Offshore wind is coming.
Let’s build it in Newcastle.
The development of the offshore wind industry is an incredible opportunity for Newcastle and the Hunter to build the renewable energy infrastructure we need to tackle the climate crisis, and create thousands of good, clean energy jobs.
Newcastle has a skilled workforce, great electricity grid connections and port infrastructure, a location close to large electricity loads, and strong and consistent winds that blow at times that solar power isn’t available. Newcastle stands as one of the best candidates in Australia for offshore wind energy production.
Offshore wind developers from Norway, Denmark, Spain and France have expressed interest in building Newcastle’s offshore wind future.
We stand in solidarity with groups such as the Maritime Union of Australia, the Electrical Trades Union, and the Australian Manufacturing Worker’s Union in calling for government to ensure renewable energy jobs provide secure, union employment.
We can do this. The government needs to build it here and build it now.
Let them know where we stand.
Read the Hunter Jobs Alliance submission here.
Have a look through the HJA’s submission to learn about the opportunities for transition in our region, and how best to take advantage of them.
Learn more about the project.
Check out the policy paper below to learn more about the proposal. Given the urgency of the climate crisis, we must demand that clean energy projects be given absolute priority.