Climate Defence Pledge


people have pledged, our next target milestone is 500.

This is not a petition! This is a commitment to yourself and others to join a civil resistance movement in defence of our planet, a safe climate, and life as we know it.

The Climate Defence Pledge aims to find 10,000+ people to stand together against the coal CEOs and billionaires who are destroying the planet with their greed. Once we have united a critical mass of 10,000+ everyday people committed to civil resistance, we know we will have the power, diversity and numbers to win. At that point we will begin waves of sustained disruption of the coal export industry, until our demands are met. 

We’re on the side of truth and justice. We’re on the right side of history. We are building hope. We are cancelling the apocalypse. 

How you can participate

There is a huge diversity of roles, skills and support required to build this movement and we need everyone who cares and is able to play a part. 

Taking the pledge means that you will be supported to find a way that you feel comfortable to contribute. Joining this movement does not require you to quit your job or studies, or to get arrested, but it does involve more than verbal, financial or social media support. The Rising Tide climate defence movement only includes nonviolent actions.

Take the pledge

I pledge to be one of 10,000+ participants in the Rising Tide climate defence movement by engaging in sustained, nonviolent civil disobedience or supporting others who do so.

I commit to help end Australia’s biggest contribution to the climate crisis and stop the export of coal via Newcastle, the world’s largest coal port.

Who’s pledging?

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